This will be of interest only to the man or woman
who has the self-confidence and the ambition to "run
the risk" of making a big income, which, we may add,
most people have not.
It is a suggestion that could be put into practical
operation by at least forty or fifty people in every
large city throughout the United States, and by a
smaller number in the smaller cities.
It is intended for the man or woman who can
write or will learn to write advertising copy, sales
literature, follow-up letters, collection letters and the
like, using the ability to write which we will suppose
that you possess.
suggestion you will need the co-operation of a good
advertising agency and from one to five firms or
individuals who do enough advertising to warrant
their appropriations going through an agency.
You should go to the agency first and make
arrangements with it to employ you and pay you seven
per cent on the gross expenditures of all acounts
which you bring to it; this seven per cent to
compensate you for getting the account and for
writing the copy and otherwise serving the client in
the management of his advertising appropriation. Any
reliable agency will gladly give you this amount for
all the business you will bring.
Then you go to a firm or individual whose
advertising account you wish to handle and say in
effect that you wish to go to work without
compensation. Tell what you can do and what you
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intend to do for that particular firm that will help it
sell more goods. If the firm employs an advertising
manager you are to become virtually his assistant
without pay, on one condition, namely, that the
advertising appropriation is to be placed through the
agency with which you have the connection. Through
this arrangement the firm or individual whose account
you thus secure will get the benefit of your personal
services, without cost, and pay no more for placing its
advertising through your agency than it would through
any other. If your canvass is convincing and you
really take the time to prepare your case, you will get
your account without much argument.
You can repeat this transaction until you have as
many accounts as you can handle advantageously,
which, under ordinary conditions, will be not more
than ten or twelve; probably less if one or more of
your clients spends upwards of $25,000.00 a year in
If you are a competent writer of advertising copy
and have the ability to create new and profitable ideas
for your clients you will be able to hold their business
from year to year. You of course understand that you
are not to accept more accounts than you can handle
individually. You should spend a portion of your time
in the place of business of each of your clients; in fact
you should have a desk and working equipment right
on the grounds, so you can get firsthand information
as to your clients' sales problems as well as accurate
information as to their goods and wares.
Through this sort of effort you will give the
advertising agency a reputation for effective service
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such as it would get in no other way, and you will
please your clients because they will see satisfactory
returns from your efforts. As long as you keep the
agency and the clients whom you serve satisfied your
job is safe and you will make money. A reasonable
expectation of returns under this plan would be a
gross business of $250,000.00 a year, on which your
seven per cent would amount to $17,500.00.
A man or woman of unusual ability could run the
figure much higher than this, up to, say, an income of
$25,000.00 a year, while the tendency would be,
however, to drop down to around $5,000.00 to
$7,500.00, which are the figures that the "average"
man or woman might reasonably expect to earn.
You can see that the plan has possibilities. It
supplies independent work and gives you one hundred
per cent of your earning power. It is better than a
position as advertising manager, even if the position
paid the same money, because it practically places you
in a business of your own - one in which your name is
constantly developing a survival value.
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